Ajna Relaunches on Summer.fi

Ajna Relaunches on Summer.fi

We're thrilled to share the relaunch of the Ajna protocol. After a long series of reaudits to thoroughly fix the griefing vector that was previously discovered, the protocol is now ready again to expand DeFi lending and borrowing to any asset. 

This version of Ajna keeps every feature of the protocol but has a simplified liquidation mechanism.  We invite you to explore the Ajna website and our refreshed knowledge base for an in-depth understanding of these updates.

What can you do with Ajna on Summer?

At its core, Ajna is a peer-to-pool lending protocol, permissionless, non-custodial, and fully decentralized from day one. With no upgradability, there is no risk of governance updates, and without oracles, the market determines LTVs and liquidation parameters with zero risk of faulty oracles. Ajna employs smart contracts for liquidity management, interest rate adjustments, and handling liquidations. Notably, loans on Ajna are perpetual, lacking an expiration date. You can review our documentation or visit Ajna’s website for more details.

With the integration of the Ajna protocol on Summer.fi, you can create new pools to borrow and lend against any erc20 token. Our integration enhances the user experience, providing a standard UI similar to other lending protocols for curated Ajna pools that make for a familiar use of a new protocol. 

But that’s not all, we also support an unleashed UI that allows any advanced user to lend and borrow against anything, taking full advantage of Ajna features.

Update on $AJNA Rewards

To learn more about $AJNA rewards, check out our previous post: https://blog.summer.fi/ajna-redeployment-rewards/

It has everything you need to know about how these rewards work and how to get them. Whether you're new to $AJNA or looking to get more out of your participation, this article is a valuable resource.

Try it now! https://summer.fi/ajna

Getting in touch

If you have any questions regarding Summer.fi, contact us at support@summer.fi or our social media.




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